choose to redo your teeth

Over the past ten years, dental tourism has experienced exponential growth. According to data from the CNSE (National Center for Care Abroad), the number of dental care cases carried out in Europe is increasing each year by more than 15%, with more than 30,000 patients treated per year. In question: the fees charged in France by dental offices, as well as the (very) limited reimbursement rates of Social Security and mutual insurance companies. Result: when your neighbors return from a getaway to Budapest, Turkey or Spain with a radiant smile and brand new teeth, and tell you that they have saved more than 60% on their dental care, travel costs included, it makes you think.Istanbul in Turkey in the top 3 destinations for dental treatment.?

Budapest in the lead, Istanbul outsiders

Among the dental tourism destinations chosen by the French, Hungary is the undisputed leader, with 30% market share, followed by Spain (25%) and Portugal (20%). Other Eastern European countries, such as Romania, Serbia and Bulgaria, are also trying to find a place there. But the experience of dental surgeons and the quality of infrastructure does not reach the level of clinics in Budapest or Istanbul. And in terms of culture or gastronomy, it’s not to be choosy, but the discovery of Belgrade or Bucharest does not have the same flavor as a walk in old Budapest or on the banks of the Bosphorus…

Admittedly, CNSE coverage for non-emergency care only concerns European countries, which explains why more than 90% of French people choose Europe. But for comfort care, such as implants and crowns, or considered more aesthetic, such as the placement of dental veneersor laser bleaching, the reimbursement rates of the Caisse d’Assurances Maladie are so low that it is sometimes not even worth investigating a file… Thus in France, for the installation of an implant and a crown of the medium range, it is necessary to count at least 2000 €, with a reimbursement capped at 75 € per crown. And Social Security doesn’t give anything for the implant, oddly. In Budapest, an identical operation will cost approximately €800, and €670 in Istanbul, with the best materials available (Straumann implant and abutment + Zirconia Emax crown).

An assistant/translator at all times

Thanks to agencies specialized in medical tourism , in Turkey, to redo your teethat an affordable price has never been easier. Once contact has been made with a dedicated assistant/translator/guide and the chosen clinic, X-rays and dental panoramic images are transmitted via the internet, allowing the dentist to draw up an estimate. And everything is done in the language of the patient. Once the appointment has been made, the stay lasts between two days and a week, depending on the extent of the treatment to be carried out. Post-operative follow-up is done by telephone and internet, and in the event of a problem, the costs are covered or carried out by a partner clinic in the country of origin. For the implant of crowns or prostheses, two trips six months apart may be necessary, but the difference in prices on major dental procedures is such that the trip remains profitable,

Moreover, the risks are limited: the equivalence of diplomas, the use of the latest available medical technologies and identical materials can reassure candidates for dental tourism. In the event of a dispute, the law of the country prevails. It is therefore necessary to ensure that the dental clinic chosen offers you the best possible guarantees, in particular for post-operative follow-up, which is the case with Body-Expert’s partner clinics in Istanbul. Once there, a piece of advice: don’t overdo it with Turkish delight, it’s not good for your teeth!



Budapest, the magnificent capital of Hungary, is a two-hour flight from Paris. Thanks to a very high level of training and a forced modernization of its medical infrastructures twenty years ago, Budapest has played the card of medical tourism very well, and especially dental. Result: a reputation for excellence and prices around 60% lower than in France, offering unbeatable value for money in Europe. Dental surgery and implants, but also dental prostheses and crowns are the treatments most often requested. For the installation of an implant in Budapest, count around 500€, against 1100€ in France, and 240€ for a crown, against 550€ in France. For dental whitening, count 250€, against 700€ in France. Moreover, thanks to its formidable cultural and historical heritage,

Hungary for dental tourism?

A real outsider of dental tourism, Istanbul, the cultural and economic capital of Turkey, is a destination deserving all the attention of medical tourists, with an unbeatable quality/price ratio. Compared to Hungary, the prices charged by dental clinics are slightly lower, with very qualified and very experienced dental surgeons, graduates of the largest European universities, and using the latest advanced technologies available. Add to that top quality medical and tourist infrastructure, a legendary and multilingual welcome, Istanbul is the ideal destination for dental tourism, already experienced with customers from Russia,

Istanbul in Turkey for dental tourism?

With prices 30% lower than in France, the proximity of Barcelona or Madrid (1 hour from Paris) makes Spain attractive. But in case of substantial dental treatment, requiring a week’s stay, the travel costs are higher than in Eastern Europe or Turkey. Most French patients coming to Spain for treatment live in border regions and perform conservative treatments (caries, scaling, bleaching, etc.).


Most of the French people who come to Lisbon to treat their teeth are often of Lusitanian origin, and take advantage of their family stays to carry out routine dental care, sometimes for more serious interventions. For equivalent quality, dental fees and equipment are around 30% cheaper than in France, with equivalent coverage.

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