hotel gym equipment.?

If you belong to the hospitality sector and you are the owner or manager of a hotel, you cannot miss this professional guide to the realization of a hotel gym.

The hotel gym equipment industry has been growing steadily for years, so staying up to date on the latest trends is essential for hotels with fitness centers to meet the needs of their guests.

We decided to make this professional guide to the realization of hotel gymnasiums to allow you to choose the necessary sports equipment without making mistakes.

More and more people are choosing to train while traveling, whether for leisure or business, and many of them are quite demanding of their training environment.

According to a survey, about 70% of respondents are willing to pay extra to stay at a hotel that offers gym equipment for working out . Another study by Tripadvisor found that 64% of people prefer hotel gyms for exercise while on vacation.

As a result, many hotels are already hard at work improving their facilities and the fitness programs on offer.

A gymnasium adds even more prestige to one’s hotel, attracting more customers from a given area. Providing guests with such perks during their stay is a great way to make your business even more successful.

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There is still a strong increase in the demand for sports equipment for the hotel. Hotels in the Hilton chain have even managed to provide personalized gym equipment in their guest rooms.

Knowing where to start when deciding to buy gym equipment for your hotel isn’t always easy.

In the following sections, we have some valuable tips to help you through the buying process.

What guests are looking for in hotel gym equipment

Additional services are an important factor for the success of any hotel business. The modern hotel industry is no longer just represented by a bed to sleep in, especially thanks to the powerful hotel chains that set high standards of entertainment and comfort.

Below is information on the type of fitness equipment that hotel guests expect to find.

Clean and efficient equipment

Royal Closet Gym Foldable Home Gym for hotels

One of the basic requirements for hotels is space. Instead of filling the entire area with bulky equipment, choose a type of equipment that leaves enough open space for users to practice without getting in each other’s way.

Equipment offering a variety

Working out in 2020 doesn’t mean using a treadmill and lifting weights. There are different fitness styles and programs that require just as many workout machines. You will need to keep up with the latest training trends to make your fitness center efficient and truly usable by

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Thanks to the high standards set by top hotel chains, guest expectations have also increased. We are now used to feeling safe and comfortable, so it is very important to consider the use of free weights of a certain weight and difficulty of use, bearing in mind that not everyone is always professional and that our priority is the safety of our customers.

What should be considered when installing


Have different zones for cardio equipment and strength.

Aerobic equipment should have a clearance of 40cm on each side to allow a fitness instructor to stand at a safe distance and guide users.

Even the back of a treadmill should have at least a meter of free space.

Cardio machines should be placed in front of a window or TV to keep users involved.

Consider installing mirrors in the strength training area to allow hosts to maintain proper form and positioning during weightlifting exercises.


Growing trends have favored the shift from traditional exercise methods to more innovative techniques with equipment called “free body” by introducing accessories such as:

Hotels have used these new trends to improve their guest experience and therefore improve reviews, with extraordinary results.

The truth is: The simple treadmill by the basement fountain is no longer enough.

Even if you have a limited area, you can maximize the impact with smart and efficient planning.

The best gym equipment for the hotel

Kingsbox, thanks to its group of designers, is certainly one of the best brands in Europe that produces hotel gym equipment and is always available to provide you with support, especially in the design phase.

Equipment maintenance

Never forget to perform scheduled maintenance on the equipment. By doing a few simple things, you’ll get real benefits, including:

Ensure the safety of your customers when using the equipment

The following tips will help you create one of the best hotel gyms your customers have ever visited!

Suggestion no. Programming

In the early stages, you should have an idea of ​​the general design process, for example:

Some hotels offer membership plans to cover the initial cost of building their own hotel gym and also open their doors to outside guests. Other hotels prefer to keep the gym private only for paying guests, in which case part of the cost of the room could be for the proper operation and maintenance of the hotel’s fitness center.


Many people like to follow their workout routine even while traveling and a gym can automatically help you attract more clients. If you are ready to open your gym in your hotel, all you have to do is contact us at this address: [email protected] a team of experts will follow you at every stage of the project, from design to implementation .

We hope this article has been helpful for your planning project.

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